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Archive for September, 2012

Good News for Obama in the “Elite Eight” Battleground States

It may not be time yet for the NCAA college basketball tournament, but those seeking an “elite eight” this early in the pre-season should keep an eye on the race for the White House. President Obama and former MA Governor Mitt Romney have an elite eight of their own – the key battleground states where this […]

September 24, 2012 in 2012 Obama-Romney Race
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The Ryan Factor

In the race for the White House, Mitt Romney’s pick of Paul Ryan as his running mate is a game-changing element in the trifecta of the key factors influencing the outcome of the election – the Bill Clinton DNC Convention speech, the upcoming presidential debates, and the Ryan pick. When Romney announced his selection of […]

September 15, 2012 in 2012 Obama-Romney Race, DNC Convention
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The Straight Scoop on the Post-Convention Polls

The myriad of post-RNC and DNC Convention polls can make one dizzy. The timing of the poll (a bounce right after a convention usually evens out to a more accurate level a few days later), the type of the polling sample (registered voters v. likely voters), and the wording of the questions can all skew […]

September 12, 2012 in 2012 Obama-Romney Race
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The Two P’s – Keys to the Race for the White House

As the final stretch in the presidential election gets underway, the key to analyzing the race comes down to the two P’s – who has the best plan to get our economy moving again, and who can convince voters that he can produce the results! Here’s how each candidate shapes up so far:

September 9, 2012 in 2012 Obama-Romney Race

Hillary in 2016??

As soon as FMR President Bill Clinton finished delivering his rousing speech at the Democratic National Convention Wednesday night, the buzz was renewed about whether Hillary Clinton will throw her hat into the ring for President in 2016. While no one knows for sure what her decision will be (including I suspect Hillary Clinton at this […]

September 8, 2012 in DNC Convention, White House 2016

Clint Eastwood – A Bust OR NOT???

The buzz around most of the media since Thursday night at the Republican Convention has been about what a bust Clint Eastwood’s appearance was in Tampa. Yes, it was a risk to have him appear just in front of Mitt Romney, especially without a pre-screened speech. If Eastwood’s speech was great, he would steal Romney’s […]

September 3, 2012 in RNC Convention