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Clint Eastwood – A Bust OR NOT???

September 3, 2012 in RNC Convention

The buzz around most of the media since Thursday night at the Republican Convention has been about what a bust Clint Eastwood’s appearance was in Tampa. Yes, it was a risk to have him appear just in front of Mitt Romney, especially without a pre-screened speech. If Eastwood’s speech was great, he would steal Romney’s thunder, and if he tanked, it would dim any popularity bump from Romney’s speech. So, all told, it would have been better for the RNC to have scheduled Clint for Tuesday or Wednesday night. But, was he really a bust?? Not a chance.

Washington insiders – many of whom occupy chairs in the media these days – forget that Washington spin doesn’t always sell on Main Street. Yes, Eastwood’s speech was disorganized and rambling. And, the chair prop he used was a bit strange to say the least. But, formal convention speech decorum isn’t paramount beyond the Washington Beltway among average everyday voters. Saying it “like it is” is important. . . and often more persuasive than political jargon. Clint Eastwood was entertaining and down to earth, he had a number of zinger one liners (e.g.”We should not ever forget. . . when somebody does not do the job, we got to let them go.”), and he added a little star power to the typically straight-laced RNC Convention. Besides, given the fact that New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie failed to throw the punches at President Obama on Tuesday night that the Republican hierarchy had expected, Eastwood helped to fill the void. . . . . and to do so with some humor and an immense audience watching.

So, kuddos to Clint for adding a bit of unscripted message to the Republican Convention, even if he might need a producer to reign him in a bit the next time!

2 Responses to “Clint Eastwood – A Bust OR NOT???”

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