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Off The Cuff: President Obama Doesn’t Love America??

February 24, 2015 in President Barack Obama

Straight Scoop Politics is an independent blog and, thus, I have tried to call it as I see it without the tinted glasses of one party or another. I have not always been complimentary of  President Obama – especially his inability or unwillingness to demonstrate the Washington/Hill political skills necessary to forge the compromises necessary to move the Congress forward (although he has faced some rather strident Members on the Hill who seem to care less about doing what’s right – or possible – than stopping what they perceive as wrong without an ounce of negotiating at the expense of the American public).

But, I cannot stand by for another minute and listen to former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani attest that Barack Obama does not love America. Who is he kidding? As a former elected official, Giuliani knows better than most the grueling personal commitment required of all Presidents to serve in office. He must take the American public for fools to think that any American truly believes that any person – Republican or Democratic – who commits to devoting 4-8 years of their life 24/7 to tackling our nation’s problems (let alone the grueling campaign required to get elected these days), could somehow not love America. I, for one, don’t believe it. And, I suspect most Americans don’t either. Come on, Rudy, get real, or get off the podium. If the Republican Party expects to field a viable presidential candidate in 2016, prominent voices in the party need to be more sensible than you were this week.

One Response to “Off The Cuff: President Obama Doesn’t Love America??”

  1. Ray Sabb Says:

    Rudy is a political puppet that is handed a litmus list of topics to banter about sounding like he knows something we don’t. The Republican Party is so blind today when the party should be serving the public and not cocktails. Sort of like a person trying to find a light switch in a dark room.

    Hi Chris, how are you.


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