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Key Factor Why Hillary Clinton Lost

November 9, 2016 in 2016 Clinton-Trump Race

hillary-clintonToday has been a very painful day for me and many Americans. I consider myself politically savvy. But, I cannot understand how my fellow citizens could have voted for someone so unqualified, racist, divisive, and unethical for president as Donald Trump over such a talented, caring, hard-working and experienced person like Hillary Clinton.

The pundits say that this is a change election. And, there is some truth to that. People are fed up with the political infighting and quagmire in Washington and want change. But, change to whom and with what values?

We say that we are a “United” States of America. Yet, we close our eyes and allow a person to win the Office of President with an arbitrary electoral vote margin based on a few individual states when someone else, Hillary Clinton, wins the national popular vote of all of our citizens, just like Vice President Al Gore did in 2000. Though easier said than done, the antiquated electoral college must end.

Today’s results are filled with talk of the uprising of hateful voters, rural voters, blue collar working class and other “left out” voters. Those groups may well have been factors in the results. And, FBI Director Comey’s ill-advised, unnecessary and reckless two letters concerning Anthony Weiner’s emails – unrelated to Hillary Clinton – were, as he admitted in his second letter, much ado about nothing. But, on the eve of the election, his pronouncements served to create undeserved negative press and to undermine a Clinton campaign postured to win the election.

However, in my view, in addition to all those factors, a key factor in Hillary Clinton’s loss was her failure to gain the support of an important segment of the women’s vote. The election’s results rekindle the same disappointing message – and loss factor – as did my 1986/87 races for Congress in Connecticut when our internal campaign polls showed that many non-college educated, working-at-home Moms, wouldn’t support my candidacy – one of a college educated, successful career woman, like Hillary Clinton.

Yesterday, thirty years later, non-college-educated women also deserted Clinton – by a 2:1 margin. Sadly, we have not made much progress in three decades. There were likely male voters who did not support Clinton. Sexism is still alive and well to some extent in our country. But, until women support their fellow women to the same extent that the good ole boys have supported their cohorts for decades, we will not break that seemingly impenetrable glass ceiling and finally have some equality and a woman President to succeed the 45 men who have come before her.

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