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Archive for the ‘2012 Obama-Romney Race’ Category

The Straight Scoop on the Post-Convention Polls

The myriad of post-RNC and DNC Convention polls can make one dizzy. The timing of the poll (a bounce right after a convention usually evens out to a more accurate level a few days later), the type of the polling sample (registered voters v. likely voters), and the wording of the questions can all skew […]

September 12, 2012 in 2012 Obama-Romney Race
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The Two P’s – Keys to the Race for the White House

As the final stretch in the presidential election gets underway, the key to analyzing the race comes down to the two P’s – who has the best plan to get our economy moving again, and who can convince voters that he can produce the results! Here’s how each candidate shapes up so far:

September 9, 2012 in 2012 Obama-Romney Race