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Archive for the ‘DNC Convention’ Category

The Ryan Factor

In the race for the White House, Mitt Romney’s pick of Paul Ryan as his running mate is a game-changing element in the trifecta of the key factors influencing the outcome of the election – the Bill Clinton DNC Convention speech, the upcoming presidential debates, and the Ryan pick. When Romney announced his selection of […]

September 15, 2012 in 2012 Obama-Romney Race, DNC Convention
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Hillary in 2016??

As soon as FMR President Bill Clinton finished delivering his rousing speech at the Democratic National Convention Wednesday night, the buzz was renewed about whether Hillary Clinton will throw her hat into the ring for President in 2016. While no one knows for sure what her decision will be (including I suspect Hillary Clinton at this […]

September 8, 2012 in DNC Convention, White House 2016