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Archive for the ‘Presidential Debates’ Category

Efforts to Muzzle Candy Crowley Make Both Obama and Romney Teams Look Scared

Word leaked out today that both President Obama’s and Mitt Romney’s campaigns have entered into a memorandum of understanding that would attempt to restrict Candy Crowley, the moderator of Tuesday’s presidential debate, from asking follow-up questions. Obama’s and Romney’s camps must be scared if they need to try to muzzle Candy Crowley by limiting her role to […]

October 15, 2012 in 2012 Obama-Romney Race, Presidential Debates
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Vintage Joe Biden Hits a Home Run for the Team

Round Two of the four presidential and vice-presidential debates is over and we head into Round Three on Tuesday. This time President Obama and Mitt Romney will face off in a town hall meeting setting at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York. After the first debate, media coverage was deluged with talk of style – how President […]

October 14, 2012 in 2012 Obama-Romney Race, Presidential Debates
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Who Won the First Presidential Debate: Romney, Obama or “Feel Good” Politics?

The prevalent view in the media today is that Romney won last night’s debate and that this might be the game changer he needs to re-invigorate his campaign and cause a bounce in his poll numbers in those all important battleground states. But is it really?? Having been involved on the inside of many campaigns, including several […]

October 4, 2012 in 2012 Obama-Romney Race, Presidential Debates
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