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Archive for the ‘White House 2016’ Category

Too Early to Cash in on Washington Post/ABC Hillary Clinton Poll

The results of the Washington Post/ABC Poll conducted May 29 – June 1st have just been released. Yes, the numbers look good for Hillary Clinton should she enter the presidential fray in 2016: 66% support for Hillary Clinton and just 12% for her nearest Democratic rival, Joe Biden, among registered lean Democrats. And, in prospective […]

June 9, 2014 in Hillary Clinton, White House 2016

Hillary, Barack and “60 Minutes”

OK, Folks. Why this “softball” interview of President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton by Steve Kroft on “60 Minutes?” Clearly, but for the Benghazi terrorist strike and resultant tragedy, Hillary Clinton would have left the State Department with a blemish-free, exemplary four year record as Secretary of State. But, according to the independent […]

January 27, 2013 in White House 2016
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Hillary in 2016??

As soon as FMR President Bill Clinton finished delivering his rousing speech at the Democratic National Convention Wednesday night, the buzz was renewed about whether Hillary Clinton will throw her hat into the ring for President in 2016. While no one knows for sure what her decision will be (including I suspect Hillary Clinton at this […]

September 8, 2012 in DNC Convention, White House 2016